Important points in the use of the butterfly wire machine:
- The butterfly device (chest device) is an ideal device for using the chest muscles, which focuses on the contraction and stretching of these muscles.
- Keep your body still while performing the movement. Be careful never to touch the pad and handle.
- When lifting the weight during the butterfly movement, be careful not to bend your torso forward.
- Pause at the top of the butterfly movement, count from 1 to 3 and squeeze your chest muscles as much as you can.
- The upper part of your hand or elbow should be parallel to the ground.
- The part of your wrist to the lower part of your hands should not have the least role or even no role in this exercise. In fact, you don’t even need to hold the handles with your hands.
- Place your forearms behind the vertical pads to make sure you isolate the chest completely
Inhale when the hands are open and exhale when they are closed.
It should be noted that part of the shoulder muscles are also involved during this technique. Golf, tennis and boxing athletes can be mentioned among the athletes whose training with the wire butterfly device increases their performance level.